Agastheeswarar Temple, Ponneri

Ponneri is around 36 km from Chennai connected by local train services on the Gummidipoondi line. There is an ancient Siva Temple here called Agastheeswarar Temple. The temple is situated at a distance of 1 km from the railway station. In the good olden days the place where the temple is situated was called Kumbhamuni Mangalam. The lord here is said to have been installed and worshipped by Sage Agasthiar. Sage Agasthya is also called Kumbha muni since he collected the whole of river Cauvery in his Kamandalam. The presiding deity is called Agastheeswarar and Ambal Anandavalli is by his side with a smiling and graceful look showing her mercy to the devotee. The temple is said to have been constructed during the Chola period as is evident from the Gajaprishta Vimanam over the sanctum. There is a beautiful Vijayanagar era 16 pillar Mandapam outside the Rajagopuram. The Mahamandapam of the temple is rich in sculptures including the im...